There was once Alpha House, its sketch-Club, and all around a big city full of sky scraped by concrete and glass, and in between, other 'itch-hickers' taking over galleries and the street! I'm going down, down, down, down... to Fluffy Town!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Fluffy Goes To Bollywood

... Fluffytown! is an international blog: so for the ones who don't disdain to have frog on their plate, this is what's happening in Paris at the moment: a new LGTB association called La Tapette En Bois (I won't even try to translate that now, it would take a fifty pages essay. Sorry dudes) is having its soirées GPT (Say JayPayTay if you don't wanna sound plouc, and keep in mind it means I farted...;) where "good taste" is really challenged, as well as prejudice and neo-liberalism/conservatism. Drinks, for it's a bar, practical workshops, political discussion forums, exchange fairs... la vraie vie, quoi. Just for the sake of exoticism...

Bonsoir CamaradEs
Et voilà dimanche de
18 à 23h on remet ça,
un espace différent
avec des consos à prix
modérés, une entrée sur
libre participation,
mais GPT c'est surtout
un moment pour les
TransPédéGouines où
tout est possible,il
suffit de proposer,
allez... vas-y, lance-toi !
voici le programme "prévu"  :
un atelier relaxation "visage et cul" par Victor
un atelier partage d'infos sur la résistance montante aux rafles d'expulsion des sans papiers, comment s'y
impliquer individuellement,collectivement ?
et nos ateliers de travaux pratiques : couture, coiffure, tricot...
et en plus des tables ...
foire aux fringues : apporte les fringues que tu mets plus, repars  
avec d'autres !
table de presse de la Mutants at work (sous réserve)
Pour celles qui ont peur de se perdre, voici l'adresse :
Péniche Antipode / Face au 69 quai de la Seine / Paris 19ème
En plus, voici le site de la péniche avec toutes les infos :
Mr Katia pour La Tapette en Bois

....Closer from us Fluffysiders, tonight Thursday there's an opening at Gaffa!

(cf previous post "Back from Hell...to a hell (of a lot)".

Then at Gallery 4A in the city,
open the books on
Friday 17th November, 6-8pm;
the exhibition is running until
the 6th of December.

That's all, Fluffs!


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