A country and its doubles.

For the ones who didn't recognize Tibet in the previous post, you still missed the point, guys. Now, you may object:
"- hey, Fluff, Tibet is not really a country, it is not recognized as such by the Chinese, it is officially a province;
- which Tibet are you referring to anyway? it's had several borders along history, so how did you choose along them?
- You didn't make it look like someone Tibetan!"
Look, hey? What? no TIbetan person would be likely to recline in front of a 16/9 screen teevee with a remote in their left hand, in a luxurious lounge-room where ancient and modern art cohabitate in an (almost) kitsch harmony? Even if they were not deemed "representative"?
But what is representative? What we perceive through the global media? the official history of a place? people we know from there, even if they don't look like clichés we accept as such?
A country is mostly the vast amount we imagine from the little we knwow.
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