hey, friends?

ok, unlike my promise, I didn't write in English for ages. Not that I didn't think of my Fluffy town friends. Quite the opposite actually. I had news from Zio, from Jenz, and that's about it. Pala a bit sooner. But that's about it.
So here is to you who stil wonder at times.
I've been hearing the awful news of floods in Queensland and Victoria, but the media here is so myopic that I dunno what's going on. Sure, I should read the SNW every day, but frankly, I can't. MAybe the AGe? To be continued. I dream of you guys telling me of what's important and sensible to you from the teevee, newspapers, gossip news, just the way you would if we'd meet in the garden at coffee time. It's in this hope that I keep n writing this (broken) English blog.
Anyway, I hope you'e all right.
I met another Strine fellow two days ago in the metro, Danny Pata, the NAS teacher, aginst all odds, even though I know he travels quite often to Paris. I was back from the AUteuil greenhouses, and here he was with his wife, equal to himself.
Labels: Auteuil, Danny Pata, English, flood, greenhouse, NAS
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