There was once Alpha House, its sketch-Club, and all around a big city full of sky scraped by concrete and glass, and in between, other 'itch-hickers' taking over galleries and the street! I'm going down, down, down, down... to Fluffy Town!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Banks and borders

Banks are national things: when they're bankrupt, in these times of crisis for instance, it is us, citizens, that fund it out of our good heart; when times are prosperously bubbly (cf: Klein, N. the Shock Doctrine, 2008)they pretend to outreach states. Still, if you want to transfer money from one country to another, you'll have to pay so much money you won't have any left.
Anyway, I reckon banks should pay their customers in order to dispose of their money for their speculation schemes.

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