There was once Alpha House, its sketch-Club, and all around a big city full of sky scraped by concrete and glass, and in between, other 'itch-hickers' taking over galleries and the street! I'm going down, down, down, down... to Fluffy Town!

Monday, October 30, 2006

oh làlà!

ok, this saturday, there was Russell Way at Sheffer Gallery, opening on Saturday the 4th of November and running till the 25th, 38 Lander St, chippi(chippo[lata]-chippendale, quoi.) "Bodyprint is a photo exhibition where layers of i,mages are interacting to provoke, you know, that flush....


Dear Friend,

Climate change is so much in the news these days that we’ve probably all been wondering what we can do.

Well, here is an opportunity to do something positive to help our environment and make our own lives better at the same time.

On the world’s first Climate Change Day on December 1st 2006 you can help make a BIG improvement to two interlinked climates that matter to us all:

  • our earth’s climate
  • our human climate

For the Climate Change Day campaign, thousands of people around the world are making pledges to:

  • reduce their personal greenhouse gas emissions
  • spend quality time boosting their human climate – i.e., enhancing their own inner wellbeing, or adding to the lives of people in their family, neighbourhood or workplace.

It’s easy! Climate Change Day has collated a myriad of examples that show just how simple it can be to make a BIG difference.

Why is it all so important?

Climate change and global warming affect us all. Changes in weather patterns, polar ice caps melting, rising sea levels and climbing temperatures are likely to displace millions of people, create massive changes in agriculture and threaten our treasured natural environments.

On the human front, at no other time has our race had to face such epidemic proportions of people suffering from depression, stress, poverty, conflict, drug abuse, obesity, chronic loneliness and youth suicide.

The good news it that there are simple things that YOU can do right now to slow down global warming and to transform the global human crisis.

Please visit the climate change website and make a difference today!


et on enchaîne..


The Australian International Exhibition of the Badge and the Logo and Coat of Arms

Adelaide 8 - 10 December 2006

Dear Exhibitors and community members

This year Rev Dr Jonathan Barker minister of the Pilgrim Uniting Church is honouring us by inviting us to move into their neighbourhood by participating in the annual "Who is your neighbour program" by showing Neshan in the Flinders Street church. in Adelaide . Take this unique opportunity to explore your own neighbourhood by sharing the badges and their story which you have collected. Meet the jews, muslims, christians, buddhists, journalists, politicians, writers, artists, socialists, women, peace activists, environmentalists, communists, unionists, young and older people so we can live together as neighbours in a better environment.

I want to invite you to join with me in:


Please supply a Badge and/or Logo of your own creation, or an existing Badge and/or Logo – to exhibit your views on an issue close to your heart.

  1. The Badge/Logo should illustrate or represent your view (or organizational view) dealing with issues of importance in such areas as the Environment, Human Rights, Illicit Drug Abuse, War and Peace, Violence in the home, Religious or Sexual or Ethnic Intolerance, or any other issue of importance to our communities, society and the world. But please don’t be constrained by this sample list.If there are other issues of a more personal nature please let your views be seen. For example, Amnesty International has a well-known logo of a candle circled by barbed wire that was inspired by the Chinese proverb: “Better to light a candle than curse the darkness”.

  1. Also,any badges that you have to exhibit with a written story of each badge, the badges will be exhibited under your name. If you don’t know the story of the badge you are still welcome to participate or you can write up to one page(you choose the number of words and the format) for all the badges you would like to exhibit.

After the exhibition has finished touring, the badges will be returned to the exhibitors if required. If not, the badges will be donated to the National Museum of Australia as a commemoration of the injury to society sustained in these years.

The Exhibition has had a successful showing in Canberra and Binalong with many people showing interest. It is my intent to show this exhibition nationally in Melbourne , Hobart , Perth , Darwin , Brisbane and Sydney as well as regionally. It may tour internationally.

As a result of the exhibition the material will be compiled into a series of research books for students of Iconography, Politics and History.

If you wish to participate in this travelling exhibition please supply:

  • Badges/logos or coat of arms which describes something of importance to you
  • Write a short statement describing the motivation behind the badge/logo/coat of arms.
  • Entries to be supplied by 30 November 2006
  • Exhibition will open Friday 8 December

Friday 8 December to Sunday 10 December 2006 at PILGRIM UNITING CHURCH in the CITY

12 Flinders Street Adelaide South Australia Ph 08 8212 3295 Fax 08 8212 9637 Email: pilgrim@pilgrim.org.au Opening performance 10:30 am Friday 8 December

For more information please contact:

Dr Jonathan Barker Email: pilgrim@pilgrim.org.au Ph 08 82123295 Fax 08 82129637

Raelene Telfer Email: rjtelfer@aapt.net.au Tel: 0883580689 Mobile : 0410058221

Andrew Shore Email: andrew.shore@ecovortek.com PO Box 1132 Stirling SA 5152 Tel: 0883392730 Mobile : 0438858343

Regards 26 October 2006

Ardeshir Gholipour

Canberra P.O. Box 573 , Civic Square, ACT 2608, Australia


Please help us by e-mailing this to your friends or releasing to any media

Please address all email to:
Ardeshir Gholipour

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Three pics of the 'Thyrsis'

Eleven artless poo-men are trapped in a shopping-trolley of a jail, and like a single man, they're escaping from it any way they can. That is 'the Great Escape' and it could be it.

But above the shopping trolley hangs an abstract structure made of balsa wood and coiled galvanised wire, 'Coils and Tears'. Blue oil is dripping from it and falling randomly onto the escapees.

This is a 4D work because firstly, the oil pouring turns it into a clepsydron; and the raw clay the poo-men are made of, slowly shrinking, introduces an element of risk and unsteadiness in their position, thus remindind us that they're in an uncomfortable situation, to say the least.

SIEV X Screening

Congratulations to the people who've worked tirelessly
on this valuable project (see link and article below).
The minister and the government she's a part of
clearly don't think that informing students about what
has happened in our recent history with asylum seekers,
or instiling them a sense of compassion or open
mindedness, forms a part of "Australian values".

A reminder that in Sydney this Monday 23 October, 6pm,
RACNSW will screen a short documentary about the
SIEV-X tragedy, and and discuss potential campaigning
around the issue.

Room 2, First floor, Teachers Federation, 23 Mary St
Surry Hills (between Albion & Reservoir Sts).

************ *****

http://www.abc. net.au/news/ newsitems/ 200610/s1768811. htm

Last Update: Thursday, October 19, 2006. 1:28pm (AEST)

Ms Bishop says the SIEV X disaster should not be used
to push an agenda. (file photo) (ABC TV)

Minister concerned at schools' SIEV X case study

The federal Education Minister, Julie Bishop, has
accused the authors of a case study on the SIEV X
maritime disaster of using the incident
inappropriately to promote a political agenda.

More than 350 asylum seekers died when the boat known
as the SIEV X sank on its way to Australia in 2001.

A group claiming no affiliation with any political
organisation, has launched a case study of the
disaster to be used in New South Wales secondary

Ms Bishop says she has nothing against children being
taught facts in history classes but she does have
concerns about the plan to use the study in schools.

"A tragic accident should not be used to push a
political agenda and students need to be given the
facts, and not unsubstantiated rumour, in order to
form their own judgements and form their own opinions
about this matter."

However, the Opposition's Immigration spokesman, Tony
Burke, has endorsed the plan to teach children about
the SIEV X disaster.

"SIEV X is part of Australian history," Mr Burke said.

"It's part of our experience for the simple reason
that the people on that vessel were on their way to
Australia hoping to become Australians and I don't
think we should pick and choose which parts of our
history are appropriate for children to know about."

************ ***

Here's some links to stories about the opening of the
SIEV-X memorial, which a couple of us from Sydney and
Melbourne RACs attended in Canberra on Sunday.

http://canberra. yourguide. com.au/detail. asp?story_ id=517078
http://www.smh. com.au/news/ NATIONAL/ Anniversary- of-Siev-X- disaster- marked/2006/ 10/15/1160850808 238.html


Monday, October 16, 2006

Wreck, Heat and the Fluffy Note

As a National Art School student, I was wondering like the rest of us why the hell Maquarie Uni, after accepting to take over our Darlo Landerneau, had finally decided to let the hen down. Well the answer might be given by UWS actually (here, big big thank you to Mayhem). Isn't it because, like the later, they'd like to get rid of the arts altogether? :( and soon repeat Goebbels words, "Each time I hear the word culture, I grab my gun"? Doesn't it make you shudder?

Merdre. (Read again your Jarry's King Ubu if you reckon I should have written merde.)

So, if you find this as absurd as we all do, just read this:

"Dear All,

I know there's a lot to be said against internet
petitions, but this UWS thing is terrible!

First NAS is being given the merger shove and NOW -
the entire visual and performing arts faculty of a
university - is being shut down.


PLEASE:go to:


and sign the petition, or start writing to your state
and fedral pollies and newspapers - all the ones that
keep murmering about Arts in Western Sydney being
really important.

PLEASE forward this onto your networks/friends/ anyone
you might know who gives a damn about art, education,
new media and culture.

Cut and paste the letter below:


This petition is an initiative of University of
Western Sydney arts students, to protest the decision
on the part of the University's College of Arts/School
of Communication Arts to suspend its Fine Arts and
Electronic Arts programs and abandon its Performance
program. The Fine Arts and Electronic Arts programs as
they currently exist are being taught out, and the
plan is for a Bachelor of Contemporary Arts to replace
them. Intake for this program has been indefinitely
suspended. Show your support for the implementation of
this program by signing this petition. We believe it
is important that this proposed program, when
implemented, services the professional needs of arts
students, lecturers and the arts communities in
western Sydney.

Please support art education in western Sydney by
signing this petition and forwarding this link to your
network. For information and updates go to the Save
UWS Arts Blog: http://www.saveuwsarts.blogspot.com

Thanks for your support.


Or make up your own.

You can get more info at :


Margaret Mayhew

Margaret Mayhem
Reading, Writing, Drawing, Rabble Rousing
All performed professionally and at reasonable cost
Ph: 0421735512
Art Writing: http://artandmayhem.blogspot.com "

Oh, and there's global warming too... 37°c in Sydney on SAturday, made everyone's head hot, starting by my fluffy one!

so if you feel concerned, just read this:

Dear NAt'l RAC members,

The issue of Climate Change (read: Industrial Climate Disaster) is likely
soon to become the Ultimate and Overriding social issue in Australia,
outranking all other social justice and human rights issues in our country.


++++++++++++ +++++++++ ++++++++
++++++++++++ +++++++++ ++++++++

On the

++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++
International Day of Action on Climate Change
++++++++++++ +++++++++ +++++++++ +++++

Saturday November 4, 2006

This year's second "Walk Against Warming" is likely to become, and SHOULD
become, the single largest citizens' action in our country since a long
time - and hopefully the largest citizen's action in Australian history - if
for no other reason, then for the fact that this year's drought goes on the
record as the biggest drought ever.

There's a Walk Against Warming also NEAR YOU ... check the website through
the link below - all known locations so far are listed.

For more information: http://www.safecom. org.au/walk- against-warming. htm

This message was disseminated by

Jack H Smit
Project SafeCom Inc.
http://www.safecom. org.au/
P.O. Box 364
Narrogin WA 6312

One species threatened by the aforementioned warming is the mole. Icannot but be concerned by it, since it's described as having "a pink fluffy exterior"!
ARTISTS: Make a difference, Make a mole

Call out to Artists
As part of the fight to save Yellabinna Environment association on
Kokatha Mula land, we are calling out to artists to recreate the
Kokatha mole as a plush stuffed creature to be exhibited and auctioned
as a fundraiser for the ‘mole hunt’ and fight to save the land.

Kokatha country covers large stretches of harsh arid land in the far
west of South Australia, stretching from Ceduna to the edge of the
Nullabor, It is home to Kokatha Mula people. Yellabinna is culturally
significant to the Kokatha Mula Seven Sisters dreaming is connected
throughout the Yellabinna sand dune system by rockholes. Yellabinna is
home to 4 million hectares of pristine mallee woodlands, and to
critically endangered blind marsupial mole amongst other threatened

This precious country is now under threat from extensive mineral
exploration and undergoing feasibility studies to begin large open cut
sand mining project.

As a tool to protect this special county, there is currently a search
on for the endangered blind marsupial mole known as the ‘Notoryctes
Caurinus’. There have been few sightings of the mole in recent years,
however the documentation of this endangered species could be a crucial
element in saving the largest mallee woodland in the world.
So we are calling upon artists to recreate this beautiful little
creature. We are planning to tour the exhibition to Mori Gallery,
Sydney CBD, TINA in Newcastle, Alice Springs, and hopefully many other
If you are interested in participating, we will send you out an
kit with more detailed information, images, and an official patch for
your mole. Also if you know of a gallery which may be interested in
housing this unique exhibition, please let us know.

Please contact Renata on 0422854184 or renatafield@yahoo.com.au
For more information on Googatha land see http://googatha.tripod.com/

Mole specs
: 15-20cm long
: 7-12cm high
: Pink fluffy exterior
: 2 fleshy coloured flippers 5-10cm long
: Stunted fleshy coloured tail 2-3cm long
: Hidden facial features
A google image search of "Notoryctes Caurinus" will give image results

Now, I can hear you mumble: who's responsible for the global warming? global d$^£*k heads?
well, hum,

The 2006 G20 meeting of finance ministers, reserve bank governors and
heads of the World Bank and IMF will take place in Melbourne on
November 18-19. This will be the most significant gathering in
Melbourne of people responsible for pushing corporate-led
globalisation, neoliberalism and capitalism since the World Economic
Forum in 2000.
Global corporate capitalism is a ruthless system — a system with scant
regard for the interests of humans. It has co-opted and corrupted our
political leadership, and the leadership of many other nations. Our
action should be seen as a vote of no confidence in this leadership, an
act of defiance and resistance, and a demand that our democracy return
to valuing the interests of humans and the environment above all else.
You can help.

But Fluff is Fluff, so since the Fluff must go on, take a walk on the fluffy side;
at Gaffa Galllery, there is:

:::Four Steps Forward:::

Exhibition opening night drinks @ Gaffa This THursday 19th 6-8pm
(Runs until 24th Oct)

Simone Letat, Karen Sullivan, Kath Fries & Michele Morcos

Four Steps Forward is an exhibition by four artists who would all
themselves as painters. Yet their work ranges across a vast array of
materials and mediums. All have a sense of humor or playful exploration
that marks a crucial point in the individual creative process. Four
Forward captures a sense of each different direction and the relentless
push forwards.


WHEN: Wednesday the 25th of October, Thursday the 26th
of October and Sunday the 29th of October.

WHERE: Lan Franchis Memorial Discothèque 144 Cleveland
St Chippendale


Skit for Tat will present a diverse range of
performance acts such as short skits, spoken word,
musical performances and two themed discussions over
two nights, as well as a closing film night on the
29th of October. The aim is to present performances
that will expose issues pertinent to womyn, gender and

It must be made clear that the aim of the project is
not merely to present, nor merely to entertain, but
that on top of providing performances of quality, we
will be aiming to encourage thought-provoking,
dynamic, challenging and analytical discussions on WGS

Moreover, we will be prioritizing groups as well as
individuals who are in some way marginalized or in
need of more public exposure.
Project Proposal for

WHO is involved:

We are a loose network of emerging performers,
playwrights, spoken word artists as well as
experienced social workers and activists. This will be
elaborated upon below.

However, the contact person and (self-appointed!)
coordinator would be:
Rani P. Lukita
Mobile: 0401 504 800
E-mail: rani_lukita@yahoo.fr

Wed 25th

8.00-8.10pm Annie (spoken word)

8.10-8.20pm Cyberspace Whispers: (skit) is a work of
Verbatim theatre, using the voices of real people in
order to personalise the political message that it
encompasses. The play is structured as the blog entry
of one woman, living in the midst of a large scale
conflict who writes about the way in which her
everyday life, as a woman, is interrupted by the
turbulence around her. The piece will be directed by
Emily Calder and Pip Hetherington.

8.20-8.35 The Her-story of Cuntopolis:
A one-woman play by Rani Lukita about a woman
who moves back into her mother’s vagina.

8.35-8.50 Emma & Nay: singer-songwriters

8.50- 9.10 WART: performance art on womyn & mental
health. WART recently performed at Mad Pride, a
performance night by artists living with
schizophrenia, held at the Campbelltown Arts Centre

9.10-9.20 BREAK

9.20-10.00 A cross-cultural discussion on the
womyn’s movements and organizations in Indonesia and
Australia, for which the Secretary General for the
Indonesian National Commission on Violence Against
Women will be joining us to speak of some of the
women-related issues that Indonesia is tackling on a
national scale.

Dinny Jusuf was one of the founders of the grassroots
women’s cooperative: Suara Ibu Peduli (or Voice of
Concerned Mothers in English), during the last
year of the Soeharto dictatorship. She will speak
about the challenges of working for women’s rights in

Also joining us: Tennah Kpaka from Immigrant Women’s
Speak Out, an organization assisting African women
refugees in Sydney.

The discussion will be moderated by Oishee Alaam,
progressive editor of the UTS student magazine

10.00-10.30 Closing act: Terra Stylis is an all girl,
all queer hip-hop band will perform a half-hour set on
Wednesday the 25th from 10pm onwards, featuring MC
Zoe, member of Housecat Havoc.

THURS 26th Oct

8pm-8.10pm Edwina Donald, a Sydney-based actress and
opera singer who has performed with Thin Air
productions (among other companies- including Paper
Bag Play Back), will be performing an experimental
short musical piece, in drag.

8.10-8.20 Repeat performance of Cyberspace Whispers

8.20-8.30 Norrie mAy-welby, who has done various
performances of diverse genres, including more
recently with Debbie Doesn’t Do it for Free (at The
Empire Hotel, Erskineville) as well as with Man Jam
(34b Oxford Street). She will be performing a 10
minute blend of kookie musical norrie goodness!

8.30-8.45 Cats in Furs: a blues duo featuring the
Rachel Harris.

8.45-8.55 Zoo: spoken word entitled MILKBRAIN on
Lactation. As body modification, grotesque
spectacle, joyous carnivale, highly gendered sexual
expression, creative act, embodied knowledges,
affirmation of identity...

8.55-9pm Bex and Claudie: Spoken Word

9pm-9.10 BREAK

9.15-10pm DISCUSSION Transgenderism

The knowledgeable Jennifer Germon from the Department
of Gender Studies at the University of Sydney will
engage in a dialogue with norrie mAy-welby, who
through direct experiences of trans-genderism and
trans-sexuality has come to challenge the normative
boundaries of what it means to be a man/woman,
female/male. Norrie is a prolific writer, a
provocative performer, a dedicated social worker and
an all-round terrific human being.

10-10.30pm Melissa Lesnie?

TO BE CONFIRMED: Womyn play-back theatre group: This
is a form of theatre where a particular person’s story
(possibly a member of the audience) is recounted
through a facilitator and then re-enacted live by
members of the cast, accompanied by live music.

Sunday the 29th of October:

FILM NIGHT 7pm-8.30pm
Screening ‘Operation Queer Space’ on the epic journey
of the Wollongong University Queer Collective’s fight
agains homophobia.

Screening will be followed by a talk by the film
maker: Annaliese Constable, queer activist and former
All Sorts member, who was in the thick of the
collective’s campaign.

We have secured an interview slot with 2SER for the
purpose of attracting more emerging performers in and
around the Sydney vicinity.

The concept for this project is very much one that is
based on the premise that the artists and performers
will rely much more on creativity rather than
availability of money to put on their productions. All
participation is volunteer-based.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Buzzz and weeds

If you missed the church of Kathellisism last night at the Buzzz (not Buzz, BuZZZ) bar (349 King Street, Newtown), well, too bad, you missed the bohême, the glamour, the clamours and the rest ( the bourgeois were exceptionally discreet). It's a bit as if, going to a damn fine restaurant, you had chosen the surimi instead of the mud crab, or instead of the kangaroo fillet, the tofu tartare. Welll... nexxxt chance wednesday fortnight, same place same time, lucky you!)

And that "White Trash" by Adam Hill in the Frolic shop window, 501 King Street! Bliss on branch, as Frogs exclaim.

At the Addison Road Gallery (142 Addison RD Marrickville) this Saturday 14th, between5 and 8 pm, Loris Quantock opens a show of paintings and constructions, and the comedian Rod Quantock will perform with the caustic humour he featured on teevee - before getting the sack for being TOO caustic. This is a free country, right? But can one be THAT free? (Check out Momô's fate in the Greek Theogony by Hesiod...) The show is running till the 29th October.

Also on this Monday 16th October, from 6.30pm at King Street Gallery on Burton, 102 Burton Street, Darlinghurst, "Art with a Heart for the Wayside Chapel" will take place, featuring works by
Adam Cullen
Alan Healy
Andrew Sibley
Camilla Connolly
Cash Brown
Gavin Barbey
Gilles Vancoillie
Heny Mulholland
Jason Wing
John Hawley
Kelly Ann Denton
Leslie Dimmick
Melanie Hill
Michael Leunig
Naomi McCann
Nick Hollo
Paola Talbert
Paul Nagle
Reg Mombassa
Rita Karagel
Russel Carey
Simon Hardy
Wendy Sharpe.

A viewing will be held on Sunday 15th and Monday 16th from 11am to 6pm. Check the details on www.thewaysidechapel.com/auction.

Another exciting event at a longer term is "Sculpture in the Vineyards", opening on the 7th of December (that's Thursday) in three valleys around Sydney. Visit www.sculptureinthevineyards.blogspot.com for more details, and while you're at it, go to www.weedyconnection.com: this website is a fantastic encyclopedia on Australian native plants, their names, characteristics,uses, and their link to the country and to the people who live on it, autochtonous and immigrants.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Drawing in Summer

This summer, for the first time since its creation in 2002, Alpha House Sketch-Club is running till Christmas. The last session of the year will be on Sunday 18th December 2006, and we'll be back at the easels two weeks afterwards, Sunday 10th January 2007.

Same story for Brandling Street Art Society: last session of the year on Saturday 17th December; first of next year, Monday 4th January. Oh, and they're having a show opening on Friday 24th November 2006, running till Sunday 26th.

So, no Alpha Sketch-Club on the 26th!

Our models for the next eeks are:
15th Oct: Jaqi
22nd Oct: Hank
29th Oct: Gill, back from overseas!
5th Nov: Ole
12th Nov: Anais
19th Nov: Nick or Tania, surprise-package...


And now, what's up in Fluffytown? A lot, because it's sprign and sap is overflowing.

On now at the Mori Gallery (168 Day Street, Sydney) till the 4th November,

- a photo-video 'Traditional Knowledge Recording Project' by Sharon Ngallametta and Daniel Bracegirdle, or how to survive in the Bush when you forgot your can-opener.

-'61 Pimlico-181 Hay' by Karron Bridges is a photo-doco, beautiful but not glamourous only, on one of the major industries of Koolmalie (?), a small rural mining town in Oz: Sex. The show was censorad there as not suitable for families!

- 'Peel' by Willurei Kirkbright-Burney deals with the human body, serialisation and the photo reproduction, in a sombre style.

Check it all out on morigallery.com.au.

DO NOT MISS, among the works displayed in Walking the street in south King Street, Newtown, Adam Hill's piece 'White Trash', featuring a bunch of governants faces on the eponym garbage bin. Jubilatory gem!

On the Live side, if you haven't heard the Church of Kathellicism at Succulent, come and enjoy their first gig at the Buzz Bar, 349 King Street, on Wednesdady 11th October (Hey, it's tonight, 7.30 pm!), and each second Wednesday, same place, same time. The gypsie, cabaret-like music performed by a masterful, ever-crowded-with-amazing-guests acoustic band, and the vibrant, over the top presence and voice of Kath Ellis will transport you to Epiphany Land. That's what all the initiates say after their first go.

Opening on Thursday 12th October at Gaffa Gallery (330 Crown Street, Surry Hills), Profile Week III is an overview on what contemporary art the gallery exhibits; and I have a piece in there!

On quite another note, out of the entertainment section,but because under the fluff, one sometimes find body bags, this Saturday at Sydney Town Hall at 10.30 am, there will be a Memorial Ceremony For The Lebanese War Victims. Lest we forget that many Australian family have been devastated by the loss of a lost one in the bombing of a city overseas.
