There was once Alpha House, its sketch-Club, and all around a big city full of sky scraped by concrete and glass, and in between, other 'itch-hickers' taking over galleries and the street! I'm going down, down, down, down... to Fluffy Town!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Facing Defacement

... is the name of my next show at the Mori Gallery (168 Day St, Sydney 2000).
It is a video tryptich with strong visual based on a range of maps and landscape photos; it builds up a metaphorical link between real estate development going out of measure and proliferation of the cancerous cell.

It is a mapping of a disaster to come if no-one objects ; like going beyond the seducing aesthetics of maps and plans, into their zones of shades and deceipts. It is a way to invite the viewer to reconsider the transparency value they attribute to maps and master plans; to take full awareness of the political, emotional, power-driven,always superlatively passionate hubris at stakes in those documents always based, though, on the straightest rational grounds.

Or so they say? And who's they and why do they say so? So many questions, hey?

Opening Wednesday 5th March 2008, 6 to 8 pm, and running till the 29th.