There was once Alpha House, its sketch-Club, and all around a big city full of sky scraped by concrete and glass, and in between, other 'itch-hickers' taking over galleries and the street! I'm going down, down, down, down... to Fluffy Town!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Boooties Up For Sandon Point

... yes, Boooties with 3 o's, for Oz.

Saturday arvo, we went with a couple of misfits and cheerrorists to Sandon Point, to show our bare indignation to the project of Frank Sartor. He's planning to transform Sandon Point, that fine piece of coastline, into a 'village'. No, not a small town as the word meant in the (so old-fashioned, dear) last century, but a quickly built residential suburbia with one road, no, not two, one is enough, not one shop, four-wheel drive is enough to the supermarket, and one station of sewerage treatment, shit is shit is shit is shit.

We bared our bums and protested in the nude against a process dressep up as 'democratic' but can't hide its autocratic pudendae (Latin for genitalia, also Latin). Or should we say totalitarian, since we're into synonyms?.... And what's the difference anyway, hayfever?

Well, in both democracy and dictature, a consultation happens between the government and the concerned people (=demos in ancient Greek). In a democracy (from the aforementioned Greek demos, meaning 'people' and the samely Greek cratia, 'power'), the government's decision depends on the people's. In a totalitarist regime, the government takes decision with no regard to people's opinions and decisions, in the name of an idea, such as 'Let's make money, now!'

Jill Walker has undertaken a court action against the overdevelopment in Sandon Point. To support that champion of a whole community concerns, come and partake the art auction at the Mori Gallery on Saturday 1st of September 2007, starting at 3pm.