Misunderstanding is human.
Someone, a courageous "Anonymous", sent me a comment about the Pacific Blackbox disaster; saying i was whining, I was unprofessional and "they" were right. A patch of beige prose, from someone who obviously cannot make the difference between "whining" and anger, that great creative force (cf: the story of Hephaistos, Ares and Aphrodite in the Greek mythology, the story of Vulcan, Mars and Venus in the Latin one), and the will to fight for justice, peace, freedom, dialog, integrity, difference, no matter what opposition and obstacle spirals against you.
Arf, arf, arf!
This is no barking, dear "Anonymous", and just remember (or learn?) what Voltaire said of such sensitive morons as you are: "I do not agree with what you are saying but I will fight to my death for you to have the right to say it". Don't you think, as another writer unknown from you said, it is a pleasure close to gluttony to be called a cretin by an idiot?
Next time, i'll tell you about Callan Park and the dislocation of the Rozelle Psychiatric Hospital to Concord. There are so many areas worth fighting for some dignity in these days...