There was once Alpha House, its sketch-Club, and all around a big city full of sky scraped by concrete and glass, and in between, other 'itch-hickers' taking over galleries and the street! I'm going down, down, down, down... to Fluffy Town!

Friday, May 29, 2009

His-story & his-steric

Let's do a bit of cratylism (cf: Plato, Cratylus); i.e. let's interpret words according to the parts they're composed of, as if they had a meaning as well as the word itself:
History was made by men for men in the sphere of the public space where women are excluded a priori. We shall then deduce that history, his-story, is a manifestation of his-sterics: 'steric' relates to the spatial arrangement of atoms around in a molecule, the 'Free dictionary online' tells us. Therefore, his-sterics designate the science of the way men arrange around themselves what they consider to be an extension of their beings, their belongings, from the house, the war, to the wife, and the mental certitudes of such a patrimonial and matrimonial arrangement.
And they wanted to make us believe that 'hysteric' is a woman's thing?! No way. Even if this is more a joyous delirium than a serious theoretical reflection on etymology and epistemology, it has its part of wisdom, if your imagination is based on but goes further than your straight reason ;-)

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Banks and borders

Banks are national things: when they're bankrupt, in these times of crisis for instance, it is us, citizens, that fund it out of our good heart; when times are prosperously bubbly (cf: Klein, N. the Shock Doctrine, 2008)they pretend to outreach states. Still, if you want to transfer money from one country to another, you'll have to pay so much money you won't have any left.
Anyway, I reckon banks should pay their customers in order to dispose of their money for their speculation schemes.

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Friday, May 01, 2009

A country and its doubles.

For the ones who didn't recognize Tibet in the previous post, you still missed the point, guys. Now, you may object:
"- hey, Fluff, Tibet is not really a country, it is not recognized as such by the Chinese, it is officially a province;
- which Tibet are you referring to anyway? it's had several borders along history, so how did you choose along them?
- You didn't make it look like someone Tibetan!"

Look, hey? What? no TIbetan person would be likely to recline in front of a 16/9 screen teevee with a remote in their left hand, in a luxurious lounge-room where ancient and modern art cohabitate in an (almost) kitsch harmony? Even if they were not deemed "representative"?

But what is representative? What we perceive through the global media? the official history of a place? people we know from there, even if they don't look like clichés we accept as such?

A country is mostly the vast amount we imagine from the little we knwow.

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